Loneliness and social isolation are a dangerous cocktail. Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the two were so prevalent across Europe, China and the United States that it was described as a “behavioral epidemic.” The situation only worsened during the social restrictions imposed to prevent the viral spread of COVID-19. When it became clear to filmmaker Mark Havener things weren’t returning to normal anytime soon, he began to document his hometown of Lawrence, Kansas and how it was responding to this new isolation and loneliness. Maybe even, searching for a way to stay connected with his home so rich in community bonds – a way to understand the isolation we were all feeling. – Dear Larry isn't just the story of one small college town working through the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's a story about the human experience and the necessity to feel connected with our neighbors, friends, families, community, and humanity. And how one place, your tiny shared space in this world, can provide that magnetism. Even if that connection comes from a Facebook Live film premier.