Matt Slider | Creative Director

#KCLoves | BBQ Mapkin

Kansas City barbecue is an institution that has unquestionably shaped the city’s landscape. There are over 100 stellar BBQ restaurants in the metroplex alone. How do we create an artifact that celebrates the soul of those deliciously driven spots in a city world renowned as the capital of BBQ?

You quite literally put them on the map…err, napkin. It’s a map. It’s a napkin. It’s the world’s first Mapkin – Kansas City’s first official “best of” barbecue list and analog route to finding your way around the city known for it. So dot the town, queue up for ‘cue and wipe the sauce from your lips as you follow the map of meat-havens.



The BBQ Mapkin was born from the idea of combining a map with a handy-dandy napkin to create a functional local souvenir. Once we polled the city to find out who they revered as the best of the best, we served up the Mapkin from a converted vending machine turned BBQ bot. Just walk up to the machine, text the 816 number and out drops your free Mapkin.